GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

When: 5. Oct 2010 at 00:00 -


iOS4 User Group Meeting

Time: October 5, 2010, 16:15-18:00

Place: Archauz, Valdemarsgade 1, 8000 Aarhus - Store Sal

Contact: Joern Larsen

Fee: Free of charge

A unique opportunity for all interested in iPhone, iPod touch, iPad. Come along lead, listen, debate, shape, join in and network

The meeting is structured in two parts. In first half we will look at some cool demoes created by JAOO Attendees. Candidates are welcome by sending an email to The second part will be a discussion on the latest changes on the iOS4 platform. This will be more a Q&A style and also here you are welcome to send questions in advance or just bring them to the meeting.


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