GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
When: 6. Sep 2011 at 13:00 -
GOTO GeekNight:
SQL Server Storage Engine and MDF File Internals
Speaker: Mark S. Rasmussen
Time: 6. september, 2011, kl. 13.00 - 19.00
Place: Trifork A/S, Margrethepladsen 4, 8000 Aarhus C
Contact: Tine Grarup
Fee: Free
Language: Dansk
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Join me for a journey into the depths of the SQL Server storage engine.
Through a series of lectures and demonstrations we'll look at the internals of
pages, data types, indexes, heaps, extent & page allocation, allocation
units, system views, base tables and nightmarish ways of data recovery. We'll
look at several storage structures that are either completely undocumented or
very scarcely so. By the end of the day, not only will you know about the
most important data structures in SQL Server, you'll also be able to parse
every bit of a SQL Server data file yourself, using just a hex editor! There
will be lots of hands on demos, a few of them performed in C# to demonstrate
the parsing of data files outside of SQL Server.
Introduction & expectations - I'll start out with an introduction of myself, the agenda and the project on which a lot of the content is based.Pages
- We'll look the generic structure of pages, including an in-depth look at the page header structure. Then we'll continue with a detailed walkthrough of the common record as used on almost all page types.
- Once we know how records are stored, I'll go through a number of specific data type storage examples. We'll be looking at the storage format of several fixed length data types like bits, integers, dates & decimals. We'll followup with a look at LOB & SLOB data types, including a close look at row-overflow storage.
- As indexes are one of the core storage structures, we'll spend some time looking at storage mechanisms like b-tree and linked lists. Using that as a foundation, I'll give a detailed overview of how clustered & nonclustered indexes are stored, modified and accessed.
- Having looked at indexes, we'll dive into heaps - looking at the significant storage, modification and access differences between heaps and indexes. We'll get our hands dirty looking at forwarding of records, back pointers and RIDs and their impact on indexes.
- With all the knowledge of pages, we're ready to look at how SQL Server tracks pages those pages. We'll look at how pages are linked to their owning objects and how SQL Server can quickly find out where to put new rows, empty pages, etc. We'll end it off by delving into allocation units and partitioning details.
- At this point we're ready to take a stroll down dmv lane. We'll query the most important dmvs when it comes to internals, while connecting them to everything we've been through so far. Once we've got a comfortable overview of the dmvs, we'll look into where they get their data from - the internal base tables. From there we're going to take it up a notch and try to parse the base tables from scratch using just a boot page as a starting reference - simulating what SQL Server will do on startup.
- Armed with the knowledge of the day, we're going to intentionally corrupt several databases and attempt to recover as much data as possible. Think worst case scenario - no backups, no logs. All we have is our knowledge of the storage details as well as a byte array.
Mark has worked extensively with SQL Server, primarily focused on performance optimization and internals. Besides SQL Server Mark is also proficient in the Microsoft .NET development stack with a decade of experience.
Fueled by his interest in the nitty-gritty details and feedback from an early presentation, Mark started the OrcaMDF open source project that aims to provide a completely standalone parser for SQL Server MDF files.
Mark is an active member of the Danish community, speaking avidly at local events & user groups and is recognized by Microsoft as a Microsoft Designated Information Provider. Furthermore he blogs actively at
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Framelding skal ske senest d. 4 september kl. 12:00 til Tine Grarup
Da vi nu har et max deltagerantal på vores GeekNights har vi indført et no-show gebyr på kr. 200,-
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Framelding skal ske senest d. 4 september kl. 12:00 til Tine Grarup
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