Presentation: Tweet"Tell Me Why: The Golden Circle of Agile Transformation"
In this session using Simon Sinek's "Golden Circle" model, I guide participants to challenge their Agile adoption and transformation approaches. We first look at WHAT practices we've engaged in that tell us, "Yes, we are doing AGILE." We then investigate, "But HOW do we know which practices to choose or how to improve upon them?" That is where we engage in the notion of guiding principles. Finally, we challenge ourselves to dig deep into the truth of, "But WHY have our organizations chosen to engage in an Agile transformation at all?" Practices are not enough. From this session, participants will be able to go back to their organizations and guide dialogue about the real WHY, HOW, and WHAT of their Agile world. They will be able to create better Agile adoption plans and more robust Agile transformations.
Keywords: Agile, Lean, Systems Thinking, Agile adoption, Agile practices, Complex systems, Simon Sinek
Target Audience: People currently engaged in Agile adoptions or preparing to start an Agile transformation. This can be team members, Agile Coaches, Managers, and Directors.
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