Presentation: "Web 2.0 Style Mashups, Widgets, and OpenAjax"
Web 2.0
Time: Thursday 11:15 - 12:00
Location: Ballroom Le Grand 1
Abstract: With the wide adoption of Web 2.0 style mashups in business companies need to make sure that the widgets they create for their mashups can be used in multiple browsers, are supported in a wide variety of devices, and provide a safe way of combining corporate data with external Web data on the same mashup canvas. Open Standards, like OpenAjax, can help alleviate the concern for "vendor lock-in", and technologies like Smash - Secured Mashups - can provide the protection required to secure business data in a mashup.
In this session Rod Smith, IBM Fellow and Vice President of the IBM Emerging Internet Technologies group, will discuss how IBM is working with the OpenAjax Alliance to ensure your business mashup efforts are open, extensible, and secure.
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