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CTO and Hacker Kresten Krab Thorup, Trifork

CTO and Hacker Kresten Krab  Thorup In 1988, NeXT, the company started by Steve Jobs after he left Apple, licensed Objective-C from StepStone (the owner of the Objective-C trademark) and released their own Objective-C compiler and libraries on which the NeXTstep user interface and interface builder were based. This is where Kresten Krab Thorup worked between his bachelor and his Ph.D., and this is why he is the best man to get a lecture on Objective-C from. Kresten is Chief Architext and Co-founder of Trifork, a vendor of J2EE compatible application servers. Thorup received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Aarhus; he has served on the expert group for JSR-14 (Adding Generics to Java), and is currently serving on JSR 244 (Java EE 5.0). Kresten is also the CTO of Trifork and still a very nocturnal coder.

Presentation: "Conference Opening & Introduction of Today's Speakers"

Time: Monday 08:30 - Tuesday 09:00

Location: To be announced