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Nick Hodge, Microsoft

 Nick  Hodge A Professional Geek for Microsoft, Nick has over 23 years of IT industry experience in a variety of sales, technical, management, marketing and strategic roles. As a sought-after presenter, prolific social networker and a closet workaholic, Nick just loves technology. Especially software technology. "Online" since 1987 and before the web, subsequently working with Internet technologies more years than there have been browsers, Nick has a strong belief that the current revolution of connection, collaboration and communication is going to have dramatic and unforseen effects on the human condition. Some call this hyperconnectivity. As a presenter of technology to all sized audiences, Nick loves to inspire people by showing them "shiny new things" that will change their life, the way they communicated, their organsiation, community and business. Currently working with Dynamic and Functional Languages for software development; and explaining to a variety of audiences what a Professional Geek from Microsoft actually does. Follow me online at http://www.nickhodge.com/

Presentation: "Microsoft: IronRuby, IronPython and the Dynamic Language Runtime"

Time: Tuesday 15:15 - 16:00

Location: To be announced

Abstract: Microsoft's three projects, born from the original work on IronPython, provide a bridge between the potentially unruly world of Dynamic Languages with the .NET world we know and love. The DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime) underpins both IronRuby and IronPython. C# 4.0 introduces a new static type called dynamic. How do these related, and how will applications be architected to accommodate dynamic needs of business, ermerging popular languages and frameworks. Nick will demonstrate both languages, and how they can be integrated into your existing projects: and how the nature of their construction and publication (Open source, MS-PL) is aiding the wider community.