GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Attendee demographics
The GOTO Audience
GOTO Conferences are Enterprise Software Development Conferences designed for team leads, architects, developers and project managers. Since 1996 Trifork has been organizing these conferences which started in Aarhus as JAOO. The conference has turned into a worldwide conference and is organized in different locations all over the world. Trifork organizes GOTO Conferences in Aarhus, Amsterdam, Chicago and Zürich.
The targetgroup consists of software developers, IT architects and project managers. Our international speakers are authors, experts and practitioners across various areas of software development.
Unlike many conferences where speakers fly in and fly out, invited speakers are full conference participants, ensuring attendees and sponsors to interact and engage personally with these experts over the entire duration of conference. This makes a GOTO conference an immersive networking experience where top developers can exchange ideas, experiences and knowledge with peers and thought leaders.
GOTO Attendee Companies include:
Attendee Demographics by Occupation

Attendee Demographics by Nationality
The Statistics provided are NOT inclusive of speakers, they are exclusively attendee data