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Andreas Grabner, Technology Strategist for dynaTrace software

 Andreas  Grabner
Andreas Grabner has over 12 years experience as an architect and developer in the Java, .NET and Web 2.0 space with a strong focus on application performance. In his current role, Andi works as a Technology Strategist for dynaTrace software. In his role he influences the dynaTrace product strategy and works closely with customers in implementing performance management solutions across the entire application lifecycle. He is also the Lead of the dynaTrace Community with a special focus on Web Performance Optimization and the dynaTrace AJAX Edition. He is a frequent speaker on software performance and architecture topics at technology conferences like TheServerSide Java Symposium, Velocity OLC, SpeedGeeks, SharePoint TechCon or SOAWorld. He regularly publishes articles blogs on http://blog.dynatrace.com. Before working for dynaTrace Andi worked as an engineer and product manager for Segue Software and Borland on their Silk Product Line, Load-Testing with SilkPerformer and Functional-Testing.

Presentation: "Performance and Scalability panel"

Time: Thursday 10:35 - 11:35

Location: Rutherford Room, Fourth Floor

What does it take to scale? This panel will bring together leading architects and solution providers in the area of performance, scalability, fault tolerance, and clustering; the panel will explore current and emerging architectures, practices, and solutions for achieving predictable performance & scalability.
The panel is moderated by Floyd Marinescu

Presentation: "Releasing Fast Code: The DevOps Approach to Performance"

Time: Thursday 14:05 - 15:05

Location: Rutherford Room, Fourth Floor


Agile makes you Develop faster, DevOps also makes you Deploy faster but how do you make your Application faster?

Many currently used Performance Management practices don’t work anymore as they are too time consuming. It takes a new approach to track performance in Continuous Integration, get more value out of Load Testing and leverage production data for performance optimization.

We will show you real world examples on how the new DevOps approach can work

Workshop: "Making your Web Site faster"

Time: Monday 09:00 - 12:00

Location: Rutherford Room, Fourth Floor


"What is fast and how much faster can we be?". Many typical industry leading sites can be sped up by up to 2 seconds following easy to implement best practices. 2 seconds that make a huge difference in the competitive advantage.

In this tutorial we dig into "How the Web Works under the Hood", "What's going on in the Browser" and "How your Coding affects Load Time, Rendering Behavior and Page Interactivity". After digging into the architecture we look at "Key Web Performance Metrics", their importance and how to track and optimize them. We look at good and bad example web sites to learn how to best optimize our end-user perceived performance using free available tools for the major browsers. Once optimized it is important to stay optimized. Automating performance analysis is no rocket science. We learn how to implement an automated performance analysis environment to identify new problems as they appear

NB: If possible bring your laptop as we will be able to do some hands-on. Preferred would be a Laptop with a Windows OS on it.