Jeremy Grelle
Jeremy Grelle is a senior software engineer with SpringSource who
specializes in bringing the cutting-edge techniques of web application
development to the Java and Spring ecosystems, and is the technical
lead of the Spring JavaScript, Spring Faces, and Spring BlazeDS
Integration projects. He is a software artisan with extensive
experience in combining server-side Java with the latest web browser
technologies to deliver a rich and usable experience for the end user
on the web, and he represents SpringSource on the JSR-314 Expert Group
for JSF 2.0. Jeremy is a frequent speaker at industry conferences
such as JavaOne, The Spring Experience, SpringOne, JSFOne,
TheServerSide Java Symposium, and Java and Flex user group events, and
always enjoys getting out and showing his fellow developers the
possibilities of what can be created with Spring and its wealth of
complimentary web technologies.