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Akmal B. Chaudhri, IBM DeveloperWorks
Akmal B. Chaudhri has been working with objects and databases for over ten
years. He has been a regular presenter on Java, XML, and databases at a
number of international conferences. He has edited the books Object
Databases in Practice (Prentice-Hall, 1998), Succeeding with Object
Databases (John Wiley & Sons, 2000), Java and Databases (Hermes Penton
Science, 2002) and XML Data Management (Addison-Wesley, 2003). At present,
he works for IBM developerWorks where he is editor for the Special
Projects Zone. He has previously worked for Reuters, Logica, Computer
Associates, and Informix Software. He holds a B.Sc. in computing and
information systems, M.Sc. in business systems analysis and design, and a
Ph.D. in computer science.