Ole Jepsen, Cap Gemini
Ole Jepsen is a Principal Consultant with Cap Gemini - in the Accelerated
Delivery Center (ADC). The key elements of the ADC is iterative development
and intense collaboration between all parties in every development project.
He has 20 years of project experience from a number of companies in Denmark,
mainly banks and insurance companies, and two years of experience from
various companies in Australia.
Ole is a firm believer of lightweight and iterative processes. As a member
and a signatory of the Agile Alliance he has committed himself to spread the
knowledge and the use of agile values through his daily work.
He values the substantial person-to-person face-to-face communication as the
most important issue in system development projects. When he runs projects
his primary focus is exactly that: How to create the perfect environment for
communication within the project, and with the stakeholders of the project.