Jenny Quillien
Jenny Quillien, along with many years in university teaching, has
consulting and training experience in over 30 countries, specializing in
management development, change, human resources, and cross-cultural
communication. An abiding side interest in vernacular architecture led
Jenny to a six year collaboration with architect Christopher Alexander.
Last year she published /Delight's Muse/ introducing readers to
Alexander's four volume magnum opus, /The Nature of Order/. Currently
she is working with Dave West on a new book in business ecology which
examines the interface between organizational culture and the software
needed to support it. Jenny is bi-lingual with dual French American
citizenship. Degrees : Université de Paris, Licence en Anthropologie ;
Université de Strasbourg, Maitrise en Ethnolinguistique; Université de
Montpellier, DESS en Sciences Appliquées.