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Frank Buschmann, Track Host, Principal Architect at Siemens Corporate Technology
Frank Buschmann is a Principal Architect at Siemens Corporate Technology in Munich. In this position Frank is involved in, or responsible for, the definition and realization of software architectures for platforms, product lines, and large-scale distributed systems. Frank also serves as architecture reviewer, expert mentor of architects and architecture teams, and supports his division Software and Engineering in recruiting, project acquisition, and
technological direction.
Frank's research interests include Platform- and Product-Line rchitectures, Software Architectures for Parallel Computing, Model-Driven Software Development, and specifically Patterns. In his development work, Frank has lead the design and implementation of several large-scale industrial software projects, including business information, industrial automation, and
telecommunication systems.
Frank is co-author of four volumes of the "Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture" published by John Wiley & Sons.
Presentation: "Software Architecture Paradigms and Styles"
Monday 10:15 - 11:15
Lille Sal
Abstract: Software architectures are influenced by many factors. Some are obvious, such a system's requirements, others are more hidden. One such less obvious factor is the general type of application domain, independent of its specifics. For example, it has a direct impact on the way we must design whether workflows are controlling physical or logical processes, like oil production vs. creating
a work plan or report, regardless of the system's concrete responsibilities. Not preparing architectures appropriately can lead projects quickly into trouble.
This talk explores fundamental paradigms and styles that help you define sound architectural frameworks for your applications, so that they can safely resist the forces and requirements to which they are subjected.
Level: Intermediate
Keywords: Software Architecture, Architecture Styles, Architecture
Paradigms, Problem Frames
Workshop: "The Role of Failure in Successful Software Design"
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Time and again software projects fail - despite all advances in software technologies, methods, process, and tools. In this tutorial we shed light on software failures from a different perspective: instead of responding to software in trouble with yet other new cure-all methods and technologies, we investigate the root causes of failures in software, try to understand the lessons learned from failure, and explore approaches to avoid such failures in the future. Surprisingly, well known and simple practices are often most appropriate for avoiding failure - or minimizing the chance for it - and not the latest software development trends that promise a solution to the ever-lasting software crisis.
Level: intermediate
Keywords: Software Architecture, Architecture Quality, Architecture-centric software development
Workshop: "Successful Product-Line Engineering - Experiences from the Real World"
Friday 09:00 - 12:00
Product Line Engineering is a common approach to address a business with a family of related software products. Instead of having seperated development projects for each product in the family, all products are built using a shared set of core assets, such as a reference architecture and common infrastructure and domain-specific components. Key drivers for PLE are the potential cost savings due to the shared development and use of core assets, as well as an extended business case for the products in the family, for instance, by supporting their tight integration and interworking.
Successful PLE depends on many challenging factors. For instance, what are the products that are part of the product-line? What assests are considered common across all products and what assests are product-specific? Is a revolotuinary apprach better than an evolutionary approach? How can the variabilities amongst the products can be managed effectively? What processes, methods, and technologies support PLE and what properties are required for the architecture and components that form the foundation of the product-line? And what are the traps and pitfalls that can let a PLE approach fail?
In this tutorial we outline the experience made with PLE in several-real world projects, ranging from the mediacl to the industry domain. Goal is to provide practical guidance for project managers and architects facing the "PLE challenge" to help making their PLE activities an economical and technical success.
Level: intermediate
Target audience: project managers, software architects