GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Chris Atherton, TweetFreelance User Experience Architect, Finite Attention Ltd.

Biography: Chris Atherton
Chris Atherton is a senior user experience specialist at Equal Experts, where she currently works in an agile team on a project. Chris’s portfolio includes stints at Skype and the BBC, as well as agency work in retail, healthcare and not-for-profit sectors. Her three favourite projects to date are: (1) redesigning the visas and immigration experience for; (2) researching and creating a digital strategy to help young people talk about mental health; (3) storyboarding and scripting a children’s animation about thyroid disorders entirely in rhyme. Before running off to join the software circus, Chris researched and taught psychology; she has a PhD in cognitive neuroscience, and spends a lot of time thinking about people’s attention — namely how to get it, and how to keep it. Chris tweets at @finiteattention.
Twitter: @finiteattention
Presentation: TweetUX for mobile: it's all about attention
In this talk, Chris will give an overview of how the brain processes visual information, and in what order. She'll consider the limits of attention and perception, demonstrating that the human visual system is fickle and can be tricked, and talk about the implications of this for software design. Chris will explore our relationship with small-screen and mobile devices and discuss the idea that mobile devices have become an extension of our cognitive space: for example, does it really matter that most of us no longer memorise people's phone numbers?
Workshop: Usability for Mobile Devices Tweet
This workshop will provide an overview of some of the key areas to consider when designing software for mobile. We will look at great applications for inspiration, and consider mistakes to avoid in future. Building on the topics presented in Janne Jul Jensen’s Monday workshop, the workshop will deliver a mixture of psychological science and practical demonstrations to promote more usable mobile experiences. Topics include:
* the limits of attention and perception in mobile design
* using animation and movement effectively
* the effects of form-factor on usability
* making the most of affordances and discoverability
* the importance of story and wayfinding in remembering where you are
* how context can affect your interactions on mobile
* why accessible mobile design benefits everyone
The only requirements for attending this training are fluent English and an interest in mobile usability. You do not need any previous experience in mobile development or usability to attend.