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Bryce Baril, TweetSenior Node Developer at NodeSource

Biography: Bryce Baril
Bryce Baril is serious about application performance. As both a Node.js software developer and trainer at NodeSource, he's got deep field experience with finding and fixing performance issues in Node applications.Bryce's quest for Node.js speed began at his second company, Ravenwall, a monitoring company. When Ravenwall was acquired by Concurix, Bryce joined as the CTO and wrote their best-in-class Node.js APM tooling. The quest continues now at NodeSource where Bryce is the lead developer on the N|Solid application, working on removing the barriers between the developer and the instrumentation they need to make their Node.js applications reach their full potential.
He lives in Portland, Oregon.
Twitter: @brycebaril
Presentation: TweetNode.js Performance Optimization Case Study
Wednesday 17:10 - 18:00
Astor Ballroom
There are great tools available for performance optimization of Node.js code, but it's not always clear when or how to use them.
In this session, Bryce Baril will present a case study to demonstrate some useful Node.js performance analysis tools and how to use them and understand their results. A wide range of tooling will be explored, from generic kernel-level tooling, to V8 tracing tooling, to V8 compiler tooling in a quest to optimize some under-performing Node.js code.