GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Sarah Johnson, TweetCommunity Outreach Manager at TechGirlz

Biography: Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson started her IT career as a receptionist who asked why her company used pen and paper instead of a web application and ended up as the Manager of Technology. She learned web programming on the job with support from community tech user groups, eventually giving back to the same community by teaching with organizations like Girl Develop It and TechGirlz. After volunteering with TechGirlz as a teacher, committee member, and TechShopz Coach, Sarah was hired as the Community Outreach Manager, working to engage the community in and beyond Philadelphia to inspire girls to learn about technology.Sarah's social life consists of organizing and attending technology-related events in the Philadelphia area. She is on the planning committee for the Women in Tech Summit, teaches workshops for Girl Develop It and various conferences, and has been an organizer of other civic engagement groups such as OpenAccessPHL.
When not attending or planning a tech event, Sarah can be seen in the skies, learning how to fly airplanes.
Twitter: @johnsons531
Presentation: TweetGrowing up Geek
Wednesday 15:00 - 15:50
Promenade Ballroom B & C
The generation gap has finally gone meta. We've come to expect that our kids are going to have a drastically different upbringing and live in a world that doesn't resemble the one we live in today. One thing is certain; kids will work in a world with technology we've never dreamed of, built on top of the systems we've left behind. Is youth sports and band practice going to be enough to prepare them for this brave new world? Are we worried yet? Fear not! There are fun solutions to this problem! If you know where to look you'll find people and organizations in your own backyard dedicated to making sure kids get the opportunities they need to function in a world driven by technology. Come learn about these organizations, where to find them, and how they're impacting the next generation. Learning to share your passion with your kids helps prepare them for the future, and foster a relationship that can last well past either of your sporting careers. Whether your child aspires to be the next great programmer, inventor or a non-technical rock star, we need to cultivate a generation of code conscious citizens to ensure a better world in years to come.