GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Greg Young, TweetCo-founder and CTO of IMIS

Biography: Greg Young
Greg Young is co-founder and CTO of IMIS, a stock market analytics firm in Vancouver BC. With over 10 years of varied experience in computer science from embedded operating systems to business systems and everything in between, he brings a pragmatic and often times unusual viewpoint to discussions.
In his spare time you can often find Greg on where he runs the .NET section of the site, writing articles for, speaking at local .NET groups throughout the south eastern US and now the pacific northwest, or floating upside down through rapids in his kayak.
Presentation: TweetDevelopers have a mental disorder
We as developers have many biases that often we need to take a step back from in order to gain perspective. This session will deliberately go after many of our sacred cows and show how they are really just us over-optimizing a belief. All of these lead to a single generalized rule and a strategy for how to avoid these situations.
Keywords: IOC, DRY, Patterns, Frameworks, Insanity