GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Ian Robinson, TweetAuthor of "REST in Practice", Neo Technology

Biography: Ian Robinson
Ian Robinson is Director of Customer Success for Neo Technology, the company responsible for Neo4j, an open source, highly performant graph database. He is a co-author of 'REST in Practice' (O'Reilly) and a contributor to the forthcoming 'REST: From Research to Practice' (Springer). He presents at conferences worldwide on RESTful enterprise integration and the use of graph database technologies, and blogs at
Twitter: @iansrobinson
Video presentations: The Counterintuitive Web, RESTful Enterprise Development, Beginning an SOA Initiative
Presentation: TweetThe Web as Platform
The Web is now firmly established as the world's largest distributed application platform. In supporting today's most innovative businesses, a new breed of Web APIs is making content and services available for consumption and composition in ways that take advantage of the Web's architecture and proven capabilities. In this talk I'll summarise the path we've taken in recent years - from building applications behind the Web through to the emerging practice of building applications, services and APIs of the Web - before introducing some of the most important and successful strategies for building software on this platform.