GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Merlin Carpenter, TweetWeb development technologist for FamilySearch

Biography: Merlin Carpenter
Merlin Carpenter is a principal engineer at FamilySearch where he evangelizes data standards, RESTful web services, and permanent URLs for genealogical information. Prior to FamilySearch, Merlin worked at Novell where he was one of the original developers of the GroupWise office productivity suite, and at WordPerfect Corp. where he was a principal developer of the WordPerfect word processor.
Presentation: TweetFamilySearch
FamilySearch provides a searchable index of historical documents such as births, christenings, deaths, marriages and census records. So far over two billion (and counting) persons have been indexed from photographs of original documents by volunteers all over the world. FamilySearch also provides a web application which allows social networking style collaboration to build a family tree for the world.
This session will describe the architecture of FamilySearch and provide insights into how various challenges have been solved such as deployment to the cloud using Lasic, publishing and storage of record collections, performance through the whole system, and permanent URLs.
Target Audience: Architects