GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Ulf Wiger, TweetErlang Expert

Biography: Ulf Wiger
Being a cat person, Ulf has noticed how cats love to seek out the spots where they can observe everything going on in their world. As CTO of Erlang Solutions, Ulf has such a vista of the Erlang community. Before that, his position as Chief Erlang Designer at Ericsson for AXD 301 and its spin-off products allowed him to make community building part of his job, as well as finding ways to improve Erlang/OTP - his most visible contributions perhaps being Xmerl, application start phases, nested application support, and the newly released DIAMETER stack. The author of Open Source components like 'gproc', 'ct_expand', 'unsplit' and some recent Mnesia extensions, Ulf still finds excuses to hone his programming skills.
Twitter: @uwiger
Presentation: Tweet1000 year old design patterns
The Concurrency Challenge
Wednesday 10:20 - 11:10
Kammermusiksalen, Musikhuset
Mimicking human behavior is an underestimated method
in software development. Perhaps this is because our
programming languages have offered very poor models for
capturing the way people organize themselves to solve complex
problems. But if we could do this, we have thousands of years
of practical experience to draw from. As it happens, the actor
model captures human behavior quite well. In this talk, we will
describe how failing to capture human behavior can be disastrous,
and how the right programming model can liberate our thinking,
allowing us to fall back on the most embarrassingly obvious
design patterns - our own.