Presentation: Tweet"Morning Keynote: Beware Red Flags On The Internet"
Monday 09:00 - 09:50
Store Sal, Musikhuset
We can learn a lot from historic patterns. We can observe that all of this has happened before - and all of this will most likely happen again. Every time, it feels just as unique as last time. When incumbent industries are threatened by a new and disruptive technology, they will use any justification imaginable to kill it in its infancy, trying to convince legislators that their particular special interest is a public interest. It always ends badly.
Looking at history, as industries become threatened by new technology, they typically embrace it in public and talk passionately about its potential, but only in terms of how the new technology can support the existing and incumbent industries. Under absolutely no circumstances
must the new technology be allowed to come into a position to replace the currently dominant industries.
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Looking at history, as industries become threatened by new technology, they typically embrace it in public and talk passionately about its potential, but only in terms of how the new technology can support the existing and incumbent industries. Under absolutely no circumstances
must the new technology be allowed to come into a position to replace the currently dominant industries.