GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Said about GOTO Aarhus 2014
Below you find different quotes from blog posts and other mentions of GOTO Aarhus 2014.
Click on the name of the blog or article to be directed to the original text.
Articles about GOTO Aarhus 2014
Quotes from the article "The Web Isn't Dying, But Control is"
By Thomas Claburn
Last month, Tim Bray, formerly an Android evangelist with Google, framed the "web is dying" argument a bit differently. As reported by CNET, Bray's concern isn't so much about the web dying as about the growing gap between native app development tools and web app development tools.
Speaking at the a Goto Conference for software developers in Aarhus, Denmark, Bray urged audience members not to forget that the web is the only major computing platform that isn't backed by a specific vendor.
"I want an Internet where people, like people in this room, can write beautiful software and post beautiful software and have people use beautiful software without having to ask anybody's permission," Bray said.
Quotes from the article "Mobile apps are leaving Web work in the dust, code guru laments"
How it shakes out will profoundly affect the way we all use computing devices, warns high-profile developer Tim Bray. And should we cede so much control to Apple and Google?
"The single most important thing about the Web, which we are in danger of forgetting, is the Web is the only major computing platform that has ever existed that does not have a vendor," Bray said. "I want an Internet where people can write beautiful software and post beautiful software and have people use beautiful software without having to ask anybody's permission."
Quotes from the article "GOTO-taler Matias Niemelä holdte intime AngularJS-præsentationer for studerende"
En af core developerne bag AngularJS, Matias Niemelä, gæstede Danmark i slutningen af september i forbindelse med den store GOTO-konference.
IT-konsulenthuset IT Minds så sit snit til at hijacke Niemelä til deres eventrække Tech Talent Night, hvor han ville få mulighed for at fortælle om sine erfaringer med AngularJS i mere intime rammer og for interesserede studerende.
Med imponerende fart på tasterne viste Niemelä, hvordan man opbygger en helt ny applikation i AngularJS, og hvordan forskellige features implementeres. Han fortalte kort omkring AngluarJS’ modulære opbygning, som gør det nemt at implementere nye features. Bagefter viste han, hvor simpelt Routing, form-validering og implementering af animationer med modulet ngAnimate kan implementeres uden ret meget kode.
Quotes from the article "Software gurus: Only developers can defeat mass surveillance"
Software developers should not be content with writing code that works, they have a responsibility not to harm their users, say Agile development experts Martin Fowler and Erik Dörnenburg, speaking at the Goto Aarhus conference in Denmark last week.
Agile has been influential, to the extent that most software projects today claim to adopt it, but Fowler says that his biggest disappointment is that software is still mostly designed by analysts rather than being truly collaborative. A key Agile concept is that all stakeholders participate in the process, including the users.
"You have a responsibility to ensure that your users are well treated and to reject dark patterns,” says Fowler. “We have a whole profession of people writing software and doing enormous things to change the way we live in the world.”
“What we do online is tracked to an enormous extent, a lot of it by commercial organisations,” says Fowler. Privacy is constantly undermined. “We are trained to think privacy is a special need. The default is everybody can observe everything. Privacy should be the default. The tracking should be something that is out of the norm,” says Dörnenburg.
Blog posts from GOTO Aarhus 2014
Quotes from blog post based on ”Does the Browser have a Future?"
GOTO Day one: By Line Løfquist
Today everybody wants an app. Theres apps for buying dog food, apps for converting shoe sizes and so on. But is that what we really want?
Bray has a great point of why apps are really not what you want. Imagine you have created an app with the menu point "Histori", you have published it people have downloaded it, and then you realize you have made a spelling error, and you want to correct it right away. You can not do that, you can make an update of the app and wait for people to update their version of your app. On a webpage this is easy, you just change the name of the menu, saves and update the page.
Fremtidens applikationsplatform: Af Poul Foged Nielsen
Abstraktionerne stiger, vi kommer længere og længere væk fra hardwaren. Jeg sidder og skriver denne post i et miljø der benytter sig af et script-sprog der er eksekveret af en motor der så bliver eksekveret i et lettere virtualiseret miljø af et operativsystem der oven i købet bliver afviklet virtuelt af et andet operativsystem.
Der er åbenlyse ulemper; det bliver stadig sværere at resonere over hvilken ydelse vi præcist kan forvente eller hvor vi skal sætte ind for at forbedre den. Til gengæld bliver vores eksekveringsplatforme stadig smartere med funktioner som just-in-time kompilering, eksekveringsoptimeringer, garbagecollection osv.
Quotes from blog post based on ”The Future of C#"
How To Enable C# 6.0 Language Preview in Visual Studio 14 CTP 3: By Thomas Ardal
I attended a session at GOTO by Mads Torgersen, the program manager on the Microsoft C# team. The session where about The Future of C# and I have been wanting to dig into this myself since Visual Studio 14 CTP 3 came out. I plan on writing a number of blog posts about the new features of C# 6.0.
Related links:
Roslyn: By Poul Foged Nielsen
Siden C# blev skabt er kompileringen blevet udført af en compiler der er skrevet i C++. Allerede for år tilbage var der rygter om at Microsoft gerne ville ændre på dette og lade sproget kompilere sig selv – Mads Torgersen jokede dengang med at de blot skulle de-kompilere compileren til C# med Reflector.
Quotes from blog post based on ”A retake on the Agile Manifesto"
Why we shouldn't be Agile: By Mathilde Hoeg
Again and again it is postulated that agility is NOT a fixed set of methods it’s a state of mind. It’s a willingness to constantly be open to and explore the methods and work patterns that work optimally for this specific development team and for this specific task. However, the agile movement has become Agile – a buzzword that is thrown around and not an actual mindset.
Quotes from blog post based on ”Responding in a timely matter"
Hvordan får jeg min applikation til at reagere lynhurtigt? By Helena Marie Meyer
Vi skal blive bedre til at udnytte de hardware ressourcer vi har til rådighed bedst muligt for at kunne udvikle applikationer der er ‘responsive‘ dvs. svarer tilbage (eller reagerer) lynhurtigt. Vi skal forstå præcist hvad der går galt, når vi kan se at der er latency i vores applikationer. Ellers kan vi ikke løse problemet. Og for at kunne forstå hvad problemet er, skal vi måle, måle og måle.
Quotes from blog post based on ”Scaling Pintrest"
How it happen: GOTO Conference Day One: By Augusto Ribeiro Silva
My main take of this talk was that when you scaling a product since it will probably fail, you want to be able to fix it so you should try to keep it as simple as possible. Great advices were always log everything and use only mature technologies since when non mature platforms will give you lots of pain as you might find hard to find solutions to your problems.
Quotes about GOTO Aarhus 2014 in general
GOTO Aarhus 2014: By Mookid
There was probably other interesting stuff going on as well, but I must admit that my head hurts a little bit from having had one beer to many yesterday evening. But that is quite natural, actually, as going to conferences is ~50%(*) about having beers and talking to inspiring people.
(*) That claim is supported by a pretty decent amount of empirical evidence, which I have personally collected.
Peek into GOTO Aarhus 2014 day one: By Cosmin Lazar
So far, the day was a great success, the conference is well organised, the food was delicious, and there are plenty activities you can undertake between the presentations.
Quotes from blog post based on the keynote ”To the Moon”
Peek into GOTO Aarhus 2014 Day 2: By Cosmin Lazar
The second day began with Russ Olsen giving a very inspiring presentation labeled “To the moon” (link from another conference here). The presentation was a success, as he managed to get us all to forget about our daily programming issues and just be proud of us, as we are kinda driving a lot of things happening in the world right now (planes, factories, etc).
How it happen. GOTO Conference Day Two: By Augusto Ribeiro Silva
Russ retold in an amazing way, the story of the Apollo project and how it was an incredible engineering feat. The way he talked was so fascinating that I was completely glued to the back of my chair holding the breath until they finally touched down on the moon.
The take away of the story was that incredible engineering feats not only are important by the feat itself but because they inspire and create belief in other people that they can also achieve great things if they put their mind into.
Go do something hard: Af Andreas Ryge
Med budskabet om tillid, respekt og troen på, at det umulige er muligt, blev vi sendt tilbage til virkeligheden med ordene “go do something hard”.
Quote from blog post based on ”UX for mobile. It's all about attention”
GOTO Day two: By Line Løfquist
My favorite talk of the conference was about how the brain processes what the eye sees, the only UX talk of the conference. Chris Atherton did an amazing job learning us about how the brain processes what we see.
Quote from blog post based on ”Where's Captain Kirk?”
More GOTO Aarhus 2014: By mookid
I was more intrigued by Eva’s and Randy’s parts of the talk, and Eva actually made me think about what it would mean to basically archive every kind of information that would flow through the company. Basically that’s what you’re doing when you’re doing event sourcing, so I was thinking that the EDH could be seen as a kind of global event store for the entire company
Quotes from blog post based on ”From 'Agile Hangover' to 'Antifragile Organisations'”
Going to the Moon - GOTO Aarhus 2014 - dag 2: By Per Jessen Schmidt
En af Russells hoved pointer var at vi bliver nød til at accepter at vi ikke har svaret, og vi alle er ekspert i det vi laver, da der ikke er andre der kender vores kontekst, og det er vigtigt at huske at hastighed kommer ikke fra en metode, men fra de mennesker der involveret, og hvad vi har brug for er at tænke selv og ikke forvente at nogen giver os svaret.
De agile tømmermænd: By Andreas Ryge
Det er ikke fordi der er noget galt med tankerne bag agile, det er implementationen af det der er problemet. Alene det, at ordet agile bliver udtalt på dansk – agil – synes jeg er et problem. Det leder tankerne hen på hundetræning og agilitybaner. Men på den anden side, er det også cirka sådan scrum bliver implementeret i mange virksomheder: Man trækker medarbejder igennem en masse øvelser og forhindringer som de skal hoppe over, kravle igennem osv
Quote based on "Privacy and Security, Policy and Technology" and "Our Responsibility to Defeat Mass Surveillance"
Om ‘Privacy & Security’ – eller mangel på samme: By Helena Marie Meyer
Ét af temaerne der går igen på dette års GOTO Aarhus konference har været privacy & security. Spørgsmålet har gået på hvordan det kan være at vi stadig kommunikerer over usikre forbindelser selvom Snowdens afsløringer tydeligt viser at alt hvad vi foretager os bliver opsnappet og gemt? Hvorfor har vi i softwareindustrien ikke taget afsløringerne alvorlige og begyndt at beskytte vores data?
Quote about GOTO Aarhus 2014 in general
GOTO Aarhus 2014 Retrospective: By Thomas Ardal
Another GOTO conference went by. It have been two great days and I’m actually happy about the format change. Three days of conference is a long time and I’m always ready to call it a week when heading home on the third day
Blog posts before GOTO Aarhus 2014
People & Process
New season - new conferences
by agilerasmus
As always, I’m planning to dig into the process (this year named People & Process) track and follow up on trends and insights on agile development methods. I’m particularly looking forward to the “Lean Enterprise” talk by Gary Gruver and Jez Humble. However, the talk on “A retake on the Agile Manifesto” will also be one of my top priorities. The talk is, from what I can read, on the topic of what has happend since the manifesto was coined and what the future might bring.
Ved du at man kan være agil uden at køre Scrum – og at det også er muligt at køre Scrum uden at være agil? Jeg deltog fornylig i en diskussion omkring forskellen mellem de to koncepter: Agil og Scrum. Mange tror, fejlagtigt, at de er agile blot fordi de kører Scrum. Det er en basal antagelse, som kan have store konsekvenser for succes.
Another take on an Agile process (Del 1)
By Thomas Ardal
Looking through this year’s program for GOTO Aarhus, I quickly spotted a trend. Even though the Scrum training is there, the usual talks titled something like, “This is how you do Scrum” and “An introduction to Kanban” are missing from this year’s program. Don’t get me wrong; I see this as a good thing. Having worked at multiple companies which were all trying to run perfect Scrum or perfect Kanban taught me, that running “perfect” simply doesn’t make sense. Agile is all about inspect and adapt.
Is the Agile Manifesto outdated?
By Kristjan Wager
The reason I go to this track, is that I feel that the greatest challenges in software development is not related to technology, but rather to the interaction between people - exactly what this track is all about. (...) I am very much looking forward to these sessions, and to to what they will bring. Maybe something new and exciting will come out of it. One thing is sure, I expect that I, and everyone else listening, will learn a lot.
GOTO Aarhus 2014
By Dynamicweb
Problems in lean/agile initiatives, making me want to learn more about how to navigate through some of the problems that can occur. We hope the talk “Navigating Politics in Agile/Lean Initiatives” can teach us about why these problems occur and maybe how to avoid these problems entirely.
My way through GOTO Aarhus 2014 - Day 1
By Cosmin Lazar
Jez Humble, Katherine Kirk, Prag-Dave Thomas & Martin Fowler: A retake on the Agile Manifesto: Throughout my programming life I experienced several “agility levels” at my workplaces, some companies were more agile than advertised, other less agile than advertised, however the common denominator here is “advertise”. While this talk will certainly bring back some bad memories, I definitely look forward to see where we are headed…
Tager du til GOTO 2014
By Per Jessen Schmidt
Jeg skal helt klart høre Thomas Prag-Dave. Han skrev i foråret en provokerende artikel Agile Is Dead (Long Live Agility) om at Agile Is Dead. Håber at han har tid til en snak i løbet af konferencen om det.
#NoEstimates, Programmer Anarchy and Mob Programming
By Augusto Silva
I hope to listen for other interesting trends in the panel talk Retake on the Agile Manifesto at GOTO Conferece Aarhus.
Leading & Bleading Edge
Reagerende applikationer
By Helena Meyer
Alt dette tyder på at der er brug for et nyt paradigme. For omkring et år siden blev The Reactive Manifesto skrevet, som er en skabelon til at skrive Reactive Applications. På GOTO Aarhus konferencen til september 2014 er der om tirsdagen på Leading and Bleading Edge-tracket to foredrag efter hinanden om The Reactive Manifesto. Den ene af talerne, Martin Thompson (som også har bidraget til manifestet) er high-performance og low-latency specialist, og har holdt mange foredrag på konferencer om hvordan man bygger applikationer, der er kan skalere, tolerere fejl og have lav latency.
Bitcoin – en digital revolution (Del 1)
By Helena Meyer
Bitcoin er den første digitale valuta nogensinde, og er et ret spændende projekt at dykke ned i for IT-folk og specielt kryptologer. Har du prøvet at bruge bitcoins til pengeoverførsler? Vil det mon blive en ny digital revolution, eller er Bitcoin for svært og kompliceret at bruge for den almindelige borger? Jeg var til et foredrag om Bitcoin holdt af Jan Møller, der arbejder fuld tid med Bitcoin. Kom og hør hans indlæg til GOTO Aarhus 2014 konferencen til september.
GOTO conference - The marketing
Event Sourcing by Greg Young: A highly recommendable session. I’ve seen other talks by Greg and he is a must see speaker. The topic is very interesting and something we should all do more about with the systems we build.
Enterprise Architecture
Nye græsmarker
By ryge
I de sidste par år, har min fokus mest ligget på funktionelle sprog og jeg har blandt andet været på rene clojurekonferencer. I september tager jeg på årets goto i Aarhus, og jeg har tænkt mig at prioritere det spor, der omhandler “Enterprise Architectures”. Årsagen er, at sporet blandt andet berører Big Data og at Mr. Scala, Dean Wampler kommer og taler om Spark, som er en af de teknologier jeg arbejder med nu.
Lambda!? Hvad siger manden?
By Andreas Ryge
Java 8 er lige på trapperne. Det har Jeppe skrevet og talt om lidt om tidligere. På sidste års GOTO i Aarhus, nævnte Brian Goetz, at denne release handler meget om, at udvide java medfunctional programming, uden at sige “the f-word”. Når java nu udvides med functional programming, kommer det ud til en bredere skare end tidligere. Lambdaudtryk er centralt for forståelsen af functional programming og sidder sidder man med fornemmelsen af at have hørt om lambda’er, men ikke rigtig kan huske hvad det er, så kan et eksempel måske hjælpe.
GOTO Aarhus 2014: Lisp in C's clothing
By mvindahl
Matias Niemelä: Enhanced Front-end Applications in AngularJS 1.3: Matias Niemelä will give an in-depth presentation in ngAnimate. Like many others, I’ve fallen in love with AngularJS over the past year or so. I’ll look forward to learning more about the built-in animation capabilities.
Backbone, Ember, Angular og GOTO
By Tom Risager
Hvis du deltager på GOTO konferencerne i København eller Aarhus har du mulighed for at høre mere om Angular.js fra Matias Niemelä som er en af bidragyderne til Angular Core. Matias holder et indlæg om nogle af de nye features i Angular release 1.3 som er lige på trapperne. Matias vil blandt andet tale om code reuse, nye features in forms and i ngAnimate (der kan bruges til at lave avancerede animationer i Angular), avanceret brug af directives og templates, debugging og end-to-end testing med Protractor. Noget af en mundfuld til en 50-minutters præsentation, så der bliver nok noget at læse op på bagefter.
Hvad betyder én byte på en websides hastighed?
By Poul Foged
Det er et spørgsmål om Stoyan Stefanov haft fokus på andet end bare request-størrelsen, da han skrev sin CSS minifier, cssshrink. Jeg håber at få et billede af om der noget at vinde på andre områder, når jeg skal ind og se hans foredrag på dette års GOTO; Lessons learned from building a CSS minifier.
My way through GOTO Aarhus 2014 - Day 2: Enhanced Front-end Applications in AngularJS 1.3, by Matias Niemelä
By Cosmin Lazar
Even though I mastered the CodeSchool AngularJS course, I am far away from being proficient with this exquisite technology. Getting an introduction to the new features, and general guidance from one of the core developers of AngularJS is more than welcomed :)
Enterprise architecture, such a fancy congregation of words, used mostly to describe the modern version of spaghetti code, except that now we don’t jump from one section of code to another, but instead from one application to another. Everybody has to understand and agree that enterprise architecture is important, and care must be taken when defining it.
Microsoft Technologies
GOTO conference - The marketing
Xamarin.Forms by James Montemagno:I’ve been following everything about xamarin for a long time and with a speaker like James Montemagno attending the conference, this talk is a must see for every .net mobile developer.
GOTO conference - The marketing
The Future of ASP.NET web tooling by Mads Kristensen: At the moment a lot is happening towards ASPNET vNext, and who else to give a presentation about tooling and aspnet than Mads Kristensen, the guy behind Web Essentials. As aspnet is part of my everyday work I hope to learn a couple of new tips and tricks from this session.
My way through GOTO Aarhus 2014 - Day 1
By Cosmin Lazar
Mark Seemann: Look, no Mocks! Functional TDD with F#: Being a strong believer in automated testing, I always look for ways to better my style of automated testing. Moreover, maybe this talk will finally spark some interest into functional programming and get me into it.
Everything Connected
My way through GOTO Aarhus 2014 - Day 1
By Cosmin Lazar
About our expectations on the talks on day twoMarty Weiner: Scaling Pinterest: Scaling is a subject that I find extremely interesting and challenging, mostly because scaling is such a non-forgiving beast. Most programming errors, or badly developed software, quickly surfaces up as penalty in the speed of your services, websites, or whatever you are developing. Putting bugs and lazy programmers aside, scaling is also greatly affected by architecture. While some architecture solutions are natively scalable, others aren’t, therefore knowing the scaling story, errors, and bad decisions made at Pinterest can only help you in the long run, by learning from others mistakes, not yours (which are more expensive).
By Line Løfquist
“Challenges for developers of building large web applications” by Graham Hinchly elaborates on the difference and the struggle between native apps and web pages. Since more and more web surfing, is done from a tablet, mobile phone or tablet phone it is important that the webpages are running smoothly on all devices. This may create problems for large web applications, and we hope Hinchly will give a few advices on how to face this challenge.
My way through GOTO Aarhus 2014 - Day 2: UX for mobile: It's all about attention, by Chris Atherton
By Cosmin Lazar
Undoubtable, the research in user experience, user behavior and attention span, is now being used to persuade us to buy more, and click more ads. You cannot consider yourself a true software ninja without having some knowledge in this field.
UX for Mobile
By Michelle Andreassen
Chris Atherton vil i sin præsentation til GOTO give et overblik over hvordan hjernen behandler visuel information og i hvilken rækkefølge. Mange benytter i dag mobilen som en forlængelse af deres kognitive rum, da den kan rumme oplysninger som f.eks. telefonnumre, så vi ikke længere selv behøver at huske på den slags detaljer. Hvordan hjernen arbejder sammenholdt med vores anvendelse af mobile devices har betydning for, hvordan vi bør designe software til disse, hvilket Chris vil give et indblik i.
Jeg er spændt på at se, om jeg skal til at ændre min måde at arbejde på efter denne præsentation. Jeg vil under konferencen følge op på dette indlæg og dele min læring med jer, så hæng på – eller kom til konferencen og hør præsentationen sammen med mig!
Case Studies
Internet of ThingsBy Helena Meyer
Ville du som softwareudvikler turde sætte dig ind i en ny og moderne bil, vel vidende at der findes millioner af linjer kode i alt den elektronik, der findes i bilen. Vel vidende at der i kode altid findes fejl, som ikke bliver fundet og rettet inden en softwarerelease. Nogle gange kan kodefejlene være mindre alvorlige og andre gange katastrofale.
GOTO Aarhus 2014: Lisp in C's clothing
By mvindahl
Tim Bray: Does the Browser have a Future?: Tim Bray will give a keynote on the future of the browser. Will it be made obsolete by the ongoing deluge of apps? Hardly, if you ask me. To me, the tide seems to be turning the opposite direction in this age of mobile internet. Let’s see if Tim Bray comes to the same conclusion.
Hvor alvorligt er det hersens "Mass Surveillance" egentligt?
By Michelle Andreassen
Det GOTO; tidDer er snart GOTO i Aarhus og København og som et lille barn der forventningsfuldt åbner en pose fredagsslik, har jeg været inde og studere programmet og jeg blev ikke skuffet. Indholdet er mere eller mindre som forventet, men en ting synes jeg skiller sig lidt ud for en konference på dansk jord, nemlig Martin Fowler og Erik Dörnenburgs keynote “Our Responsibility to Defeat Mass Surveillance”. For det er da ikke noget vi behøver at bekymre os om her i lille Danmark. Eller hvad?
By Per Jessen-Schmidt
Og til sidst vil jeg nævn "Programming In Time - Live Coding for Creative Performances", som jeg glæder mig rigtigt meget til at se. Jeg elsker altid at se hvordan kreative mennesker kan angribe et område med en ny og spændende tilgang. Og noget der gør det, at tage til GOTO; til en god ide. Selv om man måske ikke har fået et værktøj til det man arbejder med i dagligdagen, er man blevet rystet i hovedet, og kan være inspireret til at tænke nye tanker, om det man går og laver på rygmarven. Så jeg kan kun anbefale at man trækker stikket ud to dage, kikker op, og tager til GOTO; så kommer man tilbage med fornyet energi.
Training sessions
SPA - website wellness part 1
By Kim Falk
Når jeg tænker på Single Page Architecture (SPA) er der en række problemer som popper op, som f.eks: Back button virker ikke, da browseren ikke oplever det som side skift når man navigere rundt på siden, eller at UX delen er en suppe af div-tags of javascript, som hurtig bliver svær at overskue og umulig at debugge.
Derfor er jeg lidt skeptisk når jeg høre om det nye sort hos ASP.NET nemlig SPA – single page architecture, som skulle være en nem og overskuelig måde at lave apps på, netop ved at man kun har en HTML side hvor alt logic bliver lavet i siden med Javascript, for mig lyder det som gammel vin på nye flasker. Men man skal jo aldrig sige aldrig, så derfor tror jeg også det ville være spændende at komme med til training sessionen Build a SPA in Just One Day på GOTO konferencen i Aarhus.
The GOTO setup
I’m going to GOTO Aarhus once again
By Mookid
See, this is what’s cool about going to conferences: You go to talks about wrestling DBs with Ruby, representing state with Clojure, or on how to visualize the internals of programs by doing “beautiful debugging”, and it ends up making you better at C#. You enter talks that show off visionary technologies or visionaries themselves, and then it widens your horizon. I believe the more ideas and technologies you’re exposed to, the less bound you will be to any technology in particular, which is always a good thing to strive after as a software developer.
Perceptions of the Computer Scientist
By Mathilde Hoeg
As part of my coverage of GOTO last year I set out to discover…what exactly do computer scientists wear? The results were funny, interesting and revealing conversations with some of the top people in computer science. People carry mementos, memories and stories that are a lot easier to gain access to when they are caught off-guard, with a little bit of humour. So…what will you be wearing for GOTO 2014?
GOTO Aarhus changes format
By Kristjan Wager
It is with a bit of worry that I see that GOTO Aarhus has cut down the length of the conference to two days, and at the same time changed the format, so there are 5 tracks (including the vendor track) running across both days. This seems like a step back to me, removing the possibility of the more quirky tracks like the open data / eGov track last year. Having said that, I am sure the conference will still be great, and given the quality of the speakers I can see on the list, I am still looking forward to going there.
Choosing the appropriate conference format on GOTO
By Frank Vilhelmsen
Efter utallige konferencebesøg gennem de sidste mange år, er jeg efterhånden blevet mere og mere bevidst om selve formen, som de forskellige konferencer benytter sig af. Man kan med rette spørge, hvorfor jeg ikke er blevet klogere af alle de konferencer - tja, det kan faktisk godt have noget at gøre med, hvordan konferencer løber at stabelen. GOTO konferencen i år er anderledes. I hvert fald hvis man ser på, hvordan den rent fysisk afvikles. GOTO's program komite har annonceret en ny og mere koncentreret, mere fokuseret, mere intim, mere skarp, mere direkte og mere målrettet atmosfære. Alle disse ting er rettet mod den indre form, men de ydre rammer er også forandret. GOTO konferencen er nu kun på to dage, hvilket nok især vil glæde de mange som betaler for ikke fakturerbare timer. Personligt er det vist første gang, jeg kan tilslutte mig et spor, der strækker sig over hele to dage uden at skulle nærstudere og fravælge enkelte talere...
Blogging from GOTO again this year
By Thomas Ardal
Glancing through the program it’s clear that the content is still a bit fuzzy. The big news this year is, that the conference has been changed from 3 to 2 days not including the training. I think that the new format is a great idea and it will hopefully convince more people to show up. One of the largest problems I’ve had during my history of GOTO participation is, that I’m missing more concrete talks about subjects that I can use in my job. On the other hand the more abstract thoughts born at GOTO is what differentiate it from the rest.
GOTO conference - The marketing
Not only has my job situation changed, but the conference has also changed a bit. The previous years it was 3 days and this year it’s “only” 2 days. Looking at the schedule and comparing it with the previous years schedule, it dosen’t seem to have any impact on the quality of top professional speakers, they are there!
Conference blogger
By Rasmus Tolstrup Christensen
One final thing I’m very curious about is the reduced length of the conference this year. The previous it has been 3 days and this year it’s only 2. It might be easier for some people to attend the conference, but at the same time it also means less content. I’m sure by now that my final blog post after the conference will include content about this.
My GOTO experience
4 good reasons why you should go to the GOTO Conference... or any other quality conference
By Anders Lisdorf
Like most tech conferences Goto conferences have several days devoted purely to training. Here you can keep up to date with the latest techniques like Continuous Delivery, new technologies like AngularJS or more soft areas like usability for mobile devices. This is a really good opportunity because the trainers are usually internationally acclaimed authorities in the field, who are also speaking at the conference. Chances are that training of this calibre is not something you find at your local community college.
There are opportunities for networking in many areas of life, but none so more that a good ol’ fashioned conference. People from all over the industry gather together diving into toughest problem areas and discussing the latest research.
GOTO Aarhus 2014
By Dynamicweb
The program for this year GOTO Aarhus conference is very exciting. Looking at the schedule for Monday, we tried to figure out what we wanted to hear about, and are amazed by all the possibilities. The day kicks off with keynote speaker, Tim Bray, and the subject “Does the Browser have a Future”, a topic that seems relevant for most of us. We are looking forward to hearing Bray discussing the future of the browser, as this affects us all very much.
Tager du til GOTO 2014?
By Per Jessen Schmidt
Så hvorfor kommer jeg igen? Der er to primære grunde. Den første grund er at der er masser af kvalitetsindlæg af virkelige dygtige folk, som ofte er med til at sætte dagsorden i IT verden. Selv om man går til et foredrag, der ikke nødvendigvis falder indenfor det man går og arbejder med til daglig, så er bliver man ofte inspireret, provokeret eller opdager noget man bør forholde sig til professionelt. Der er endnu ikke en GOTO konference som jeg har forladt, uden at have fået noget at tænke over, og et boost af energi. I dag kan jeg nævne ting som jeg bruger, der havde sit udgangspunkt i et indlæg på konferencen.
Den anden grund er, at det er et rigtigt godt sted, at udvide sit netværk. Der er masser af mennesker, der beskæftiger sig alle mulige aspekter af teknologi, og hvordan vi arbejder med den. Hvis man ellers er åben, er der masser af muligheder for at få sig en interesant samtale.
Goto Aarhus: Looking forward to GOTO conference in Aarhus - day one
By Augusto Ribeiro Silva
At the end of the day there will be some legends like Martin Fowler and Prag Dave discussing a retake on the agile manifesto, but the bleeding edge track on reactive applications also looks quite interesting so I’m still don’t know which on to pick in these slots.
CFDP til Goto Konference
By Christian Mogensen
My focus for this years GoTo Conference in Aarhus will be to divulge beyond the technological refinements that thinkers such as Tim Bray, Adrian Cockcroft and more undoubtedly are sentinels for – I’d like to come closer to an understanding of what makes them go further than many of their peers – and what got them started. Is Pong or Donkey Kong the common denominator to a lifelong venture through the forefront of IT, or has something sparked their basic human drive for exploration and expansion taken it to an extreme?
(...) So all in all, I’m excited too see, at GoTo in Aarhus, if Big Data stems from big thinkers, or if Web Development precedes human development!
My GOTO Aarhus 2014 schedule
By Mookid
In the last two slots on Monday, I have no idea where I want to go – being a .NET guy, I could go to Mads Christensen’s talk about The Future Of ASP.NET Web Tooling, but lately I’ve found myself enjoying more “general” web tooling like Bower, Mimosa, Gulp, etc. more, also for regular .NET web development, so I will probably go to either the NetflixOSS talk or the Big Data Deep Dive talk… or I might end up on a couch with my laptop, because at this point my fingers usually start to get an itch that can only be scratched by coding.
By Andreas Ryge
Nu vil jeg også melde mig i koret og skrive om Goto. Hvorfor? Fordi jeg holder ganske meget af konferencen og det er der flere årsager til.
Den første er, at jeg godt kan lide at høre om nye ting. Verden er stor og man kan ikke altid selv sætte sig ind i alt. Derfor er det dejligt, når dygtige, kompetente mennesker kan give et overblik over en teknologi eller et område. Ved at gøre det på denne måde, kan man undgå mange blindgyder og omveje, synes jeg.
En anden årsag er, at jeg netværker. Til goto møder jeg en masse af mine fæller fra andre virksomheder. Flere af dem kender jeg gennem konference og lignende arrangementer, men med årene er jeg begyndt at betragte flere af dem som venner, og vi ses i andre sammenhænge også. Det, at være sammen med mennesker jeg kender, er også årsagen til, at jeg vælger at tage til Goto i Aarhus, selvom København er tættere på.
Den tredie årsag er inspiration. Jeg er så forbandet inspireret bagefter og det giver mig en masse energi, når jeg møder på arbejde igen.
Min eneste anke ved Goto i år er, at formatet er blevet ændret. Jeg er ked af at konferencen er blevet kortere og at programmet tilsyneladende er blevet skruet sammen, så alt det spændende ligge samtidig, blot i forskellige spor.
5 simple tips for conference-networking
By Mathilde Hoeg
Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone you admire – this might even be a good time to follow step one; thoughtful questions are flattering and help establish a meaningful connection. Other people who are standing alone are also excellent targets for spontaneous networking. They may be shy and you’ll actually be the hero that saves them from awkwardness (though disturbing actually people with head phones in is always a no-no).
Date histogram facets … ehm aggregations revisited
By Thomas Ardal
Goight through last years blog posts written during GOTO, I found a terrible out-dated post named Implementing date histogram facets with Elasticsearch and Nest. A lot happened since then. Elasticsearch turned 1.0 and follwing that, aggregrations were introduced. Aggregations is facets on steroids and therefore deprecates facets.