GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Travelling to GOTO Aarhus is easy
Price exampels - and book your flight here:
Price exampels (return):
London (Standsted) - Billund or Aarhus
Oslo - Aarhus .................................. Stockholm - Billund ..........................
Munich - Billund ...............................
Amsterdam - Billund ........................
Helsinki - Billund or Aarhus ...............
Edinburgh - Billund ..........................
New York - Copenhagen ...................
86 GBP
617 NOK
1465 SEK
163 EUR
188 EUR
306 EUR
52 GBP
809 USD
Flight time
Alternative prices, look e.g. here
Travel from the airport to GOTO Aarhus
Aarhus Airport: An airport bus runs between the airport and the railway station in Aarhus, meeting all major flights. The conference venue is only a 5 minutes walk from the railway station. You don't have to check the bus schedule - there will always be a bus for you. Aarhus Airport is in Tirstrup, 43 km north-east of the city.
Billund Airport: Bus 912X and 913X runs between the airport and Aarhus bus station - only a 5 min. walk from the conference venue. Check the bus schedule here. Billund Airport is located 100 km from Aarhus.
Copenhagen Airport has all international and national connections. It is very convenient to travel from Copenhagen Airport to Aarhus City by train. The trains leaves directly from the arrival hall in the airport (this is also where you buy tickets) to Aarhus railway station (takes approx. 3 hours). The conference venue is only a 5 minutes walk from the railway station in Aarhus. Alternativly you can take the domestic flights to Aarhus Airport (leaves every hour).
Get the overview on a Google map showing location of airports, conference venue, airport bus stops and Railway Stations Aarhus