GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
John-Henry Harris, TweetLEGO toy Designer - Inspire the Builders of Tomorrow

Biography: John-Henry Harris
John-Henry Harris is a British creative designer who has been living and working in Denmark for the past four years. His thought-provoking environmental and social design philosophies, displayed at the 2008 New Designers exhibition in London, won him a dream job innovating toys at LEGO, where his passion now lies in spreading the essence of Play worldwide. With his vast knowledge of the building system John-Henry hopes to transfer LEGO principles and logic into other fields of study and business entrepreneurship.
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Presentation: TweetKeynote: Design & Innovation at the LEGO Group
This talk will provide a unique insight into the core design processes applied by the Creator team at LEGO. John-Henry will cover all steps along the way, from concept generation to product verification, testing and sign-off. He will show you how real design thinking can influence not only product features, but also how your ideas could be perceived on a global scale. There is more to being a LEGO designer than meets the eye, and this presentation could change the way you think about your stash of bricks forever. It will appeal to anyone who has an interest in creative design, logical building, or just wants to be an 8 year old for half an hour!
Keywords: LEGO, Design, Process, Innovation, Global Design, Creative, Fun, Toys, Systematic Creativity, Logic, Insight, imagination, Play, Reasoning
Target Audience: Anyone with an interest in understanding or learning how systematic creativity, imagination and design thinking can really help in any software development process. Also anyone who is curious about the LEGO Design Process, its core design principles, or who just want to see some cool LEGO models!