GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Paweł Głowacki, TweetEmbarcadero EMEA Technical Lead for Delphi and RAD Studio

Biography: Paweł Głowacki
Paweł Głowacki is Embarcadero's European Technical Lead for Delphi, RAD Studio and All-Access technologies. Previously, Paweł spent over 7 years working as a senior consultant and trainer for Delphi within Borland Education Services and CodeGear. As well as working with Embarcadero customers across the region, he also represents Embarcadero internationally as a conference and seminar speaker. For more information check out Paweł's technical blog at
Twitter: @pglowack
Presentation: TweetBuilding native applications from a single source code - and much more - for Windows, Mac and iOS
Attendees of this session will be taken step by step through how to build native business applications for Windows, Mac OS X and iOS from the same source code using Embarcadero RAD Studio and the FireMonkey Application Development Platform. Having shown how simple it is to target these major platforms at once, Pawel will go on to show some of the stunning user interface capabilities for today's professional developers to exploit.
For more information about FireMonkey go to