Workshop: Tweet"Building the Right Thing by Applying Simplicity: Impact Mapping in Action"
The first principle from the Agile Manifesto states: "Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software." but how often do you capture the real value of what you're developing and delivering and use that to help prioritise your work?
In this tutorial, Russ Miles of Simplicity Itself will teach you how to practically apply Impact Mapping using the guiding principles of simplicity for just this challenge. Impact Mapping is a strategic planning technique that prevents organisations from getting lost while building products and delivering projects by clearly communicating assumptions, helping teams align their activities with overall business objectives and make better roadmap decisions. Impact mapping can help you build products and deliver projects that make a valuable impact, not just ship software.
The participants of this interactive workshop will learn the practices of Impact Mapping and try it out in practice on several realistic examples to understand the key facilitation techniques and learn how to run and apply Impact Mapping sessions in their organisations.
Key learning points of this tutorial are:
- How to create good user stories
- How to ensure that you're building the right product
- How to align the activities of delivery teams and the organisation around them
- How to make an impact with software products and projects
- How to communicate overall goals and vision to delivery teams
- How to facilitate impact mapping sessions
- How to build and navigate a delivery roadmap and backlog with impact maps
Keywords: product owner, business analyst, agile developers, agile testers, business stakeholders, impact mapping, specification by example, requirements, product backlog