GOTO Amsterdam is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 50 top speaker and 500 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
Jessica Kerr, TweetScala Developer

Biography: Jessica Kerr
For more than a dozen years, Jessica Kerr toiled at enterprise software in Java and C. Two years ago, the promise and intrigue of functional programming led her to toil at Scala. When she isn't speaking about at development conferences in North America and Europe, she works in biotechnology at Monsanto. In between, she edits Scala books for Artima, teaches workshops about git, and keeps alive two young daughters.
Twitter: @jessitron
Presentation: TweetFunctional Principles for Object-Oriented Developers
The artist travels to foreign lands for inspiration. I sojourned in F# and brought back souvenirs to share with you. These six principles are useful every day in my home language of Java. Some are part of good practice already, some express patterns both old and new, and all give us different ways of thinking about problems. Examples in C# and Java prove that we don't need to work in a functional language to carve our intentions into code. Each day we output some code and a new version of ourselves. The latter matters more, and melding a new paradigm embiggens both.