GOTO Amsterdam is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 50 top speaker and 500 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
Josh Graham, TweetSaaS Architect at Atlassian

Biography: Josh Graham
Josh is Atlassian's SaaS Architect, coaxing the world's leading issue tracking, collaboration and software development tools into the cloud for the ultimate in software delivery team productivity. As the Chief Dispenser of Pleasantries, he has over 20 years experience in the software industry. Josh is a speaker, track host, and chair at conferences on SOA, enterprise architecture, agile software delivery, and technology innovation. He is a "modern enterprise architect", applying the principles of agile software development and software craftsmanship across architectural disciplines. Prior to Atlassian, Josh spent five years learning from the best - architecting, developing and integrating large scale Java, Ruby, and C# systems at ThoughtWorks and Hashrocket. Josh co-organizes speakerconf "The International Software Technology Summit", and is the author of the "squealer" ETL for MongoDB. You may have already met Josh at a bar.
Twitter: @delitescere
Presentation: TweetGodzilla, Hydra, and Tribbles – Evolving a late 90's Java App to Cloud-based Microservices
It's easy to rationalise architectural decisions while we're building a piece of software. How do those decisions hold up in the code as time goes by? How do those decisions change over the course of a decade or more? If the software is still in active development, what new decisions are made for the future, and why?
In this talk we'll examine innovation-fuelled software started over a decade ago. Josh will be uncovering the artifacts of key architectural decisions across 12 years. Using the direction of a cloud-based technology strategy, he will extrapolate architectural changes to give us a vision of the next decade, and will present models of the past, present, and future evolution of the architecture, code, and deployment topologies.