Presentation: Tweet"Programming Languages"
MongoDB and Java8 / 15:50 - 16:05
This talk is a short introduction to MongoDB and Java8. How to make use of Lambda function and Reactive Streams with MongoDB.
A simple Guide to using Akka Persistence / 16:10 - 16:25
If you want to do event sourcing with Akka actors, persisting can hard and tedious when using contemporary persisting solutions. I will show what you need to do to use Akka Persistence, so that your persisting becomes easy as cake!
Design for Quality in Java 8 / 16:30 - 16:45
Object Oriented programming has existed for almost 60 years and is still the largest paradigm in computer science. First introduced as a means of reducing maintainability and reusability issues, large software projects still tend to sink into the dark marsch of bad code smells. In this talk I will show you how you can use the new features of Java 8 to increase maintainability, testability and reusability of your software systems as well as introduce a few existing patterns from other programming languages to Java.
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