GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speaker and 400 attendees. The conference cover topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
Stefan Edlich, TweetSenior Lecturer at Beuth HS of Technology Berlin

Biography: Stefan Edlich
Prof. Dr. Stefan Edlich is a senior lecturer at Beuth HS of Technology Berlin (University of App. Sc.) with a focus on Object Databases, NoSQL, Software-Engineering, Mobile Development and E-Learning. He sold his first commercial software in 1986 and has a 27 year development experience. Beside a many scientific papers and journal articles he is a continuous speaker on conferences / it-events concerning enterprise / OO / ODBMS topics since 1993 (like OOP or JAX). Furthermore he is the author of twelve IT books he wrote for Apress, OReilly, Spektrum / Elsevier, Hanser and other publishers. He is a founding member of e.V. In 2008 he started the the worlds First International Conference on Object Databases ( which was continued 2009 at ETH-Zürich and 2010 in Frankfurt. Finally he runs the NoSQL Archiv, organizes NoSQL Events and wrote the worlds first two NoSQL booksPresentation: TweetIntroduction of Today's Tracks Friday
Friday 08:30 - 09:00
To be announced