GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speaker and 400 attendees. The conference cover topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
Peter van Hardenberg, TweetCo-founder of Heroku Postgres

Biography: Peter van Hardenberg
Peter van Hardenberg is a founding member of the Heroku Postgres team which exists to make databases accessible to application developers at any scale. He's built products, systems, and teams during his career which has ranged from collecting research data offshore in the Arctic Ocean, writing physics engines for games on Nintendo's 3DS console, and helping to make developers more productive at Heroku.
Twitter: @pvh
Presentation: TweetTowards Cloud-first Development
This talk discusses, how the different economics of the cloud ripple out to create new kinds of products and services and enable new modes of development.
For example - `heroku fork` is usable to test database migrations because recreating a database becomes trivial and there's no reason to keep it around once you're done using it. This would be more-or-less unreasonable in a classical dev-ops environment, which is itself an order of magnitude more agile than a classical IT infrastructure.
This process even reaches into sales. With easily elastic capacity and multitenant architecture, it's not a big deal to run a freemium model. In a world where installing and configuring software could take weeks or months to get started, this too was impossible...
What will future iterations of this abstraction process do to change our development practices and indeed our businesses? Where are we still doing things the old fashioned way out of habit and therefore not yet reaching our potential?