Presentation: "Introduction to Real-time Programming on the Java Platform"
Time: Thursday 15:30 - 16:15
Location: Ballroom Le Grand 2
Abstract: A real-time system is a system in which the time at which a result is produced is as important as the logical correctness of the result. Real-time programming and Java are not normally synonymous. Real-time is often associated with specialized application domains such as avionics, process control and communication systems. Since the advent of the Real-time Specification for Java (RTSJ) in 2000, the Java platform has extended its reach into these specialized domains. Meanwhile mainstream Java application domains, such as banking and finance, have been pushing the limits on traditional Java platform technology - seeking predictability rather than simply raw performance.
This talk explores what real-time means and then briefly covers the different functional areas of the RTSJ programming model, showing how predictability can be achieved by controlling, or by-passing, those features of a non-real-time system that invariably lead to unpredictable execution.
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