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Clayton Brown, Salesforce

 Clayton  Brown BIO: Clayton is a Senior Technical Engineer at salesforce.com specialising in designing custom implementations for enterprise clients across Asia Pacific. In this role, Clayton has worked extensively with clients on utilising extensions to the salesforce.com core functionality. His background covers a ten year span of development of web applications and services specialising in mobile and wireless technologies both in Europe and Asia. He received his BA in Computer Science from Monash University and holds an MSc in Mobile Computing from Westminster University, London.

Presentation: "Force.com"

Time: Tuesday 11:15 - 12:00

Location: To be announced

Abstract: Force.com enables you to build enterprise applications using the same Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that underpins Salesforce.com's own Software as a Service (SaaS) suite of applications. Force.com unifies the technology stack, from the database to the device, and makes it available as a service. Users easily assemble applications with clicks, components and code then instantly deploy them to salesforce.com?s trusted global infrastructure. Scale is automatically taken care of by the Multi Tenant Cloud Computing architecture. This presentation will give an overview of the Force.com architecture from a developer's perspective, followed by a live demonstration of some of the platforms features.