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Large Scale Agile Expert Bas Vodde, Odd-e

Large Scale Agile Expert Bas  Vodde Bas is originally from Holland, however has lived in China, Finland and is currently again living in China. In the 90s he worked as a developer in Holland and felt a mismatch between what he experienced as working and between "what the official literature said you should do". That was solved with the introduction of Extreme Programming and evenmore so, with Agile Development in general.

In the beginning of 2001, he had enough of the "normal life" and moved to China where he started working for Nokia. Here, he gained experience on very large projects and the traditional ways they are run. After this he became even more convinced that Agile Development is the way forward, for all size projects.

In 2005 he moved to Helsinki, Finland to introduce Agile Development and in particular Scrum, in Nokia Networks. For two years he watched dozens of teams adopt scrum and other agile practices. Recently, he moved back to one larger project to focus on a smaller scope.

His main interests are in Scrum and especially how to use it within large companies and large projects. He also focuses much on the technical practices, especially test-driven development (including refactoring) and continuous integration because he strongly believes you need a well-factored code base if you want to be fast and flexible. His hobby interests have been lean production and quality management and, of course, programming.

See also Bas' blog at odd-e.com/blog

Presentation: "Scaling Scrum with feature teams"

Time: Tuesday 11:15 - 12:00

Location: To be announced

Abstract: How do you scale Scrum to hundreds of people? This presentation will explain a way of organizing your development so that it scales up well. It involves breaking the link between architecture and organization, breaking code ownership and organize the development in a more customer centric way. This has its drawbacks too! These are explained and some techniques for overcoming these drawbacks are discussed. This talk is based on the ?feature teams? and ?requirement areas? chapters in the recently published ?Scaling Agile & Lean Development? by Bas Vodde and Craig Larman.

Workshop: "Lean and Agile In the Large - Principles, Practices and Experiences for Large Scale Software Development"

Time: Thursday 09:00 - 12:00

Location: To be announced


Lean and Agile practices have made a major positive impact on productivity and quality of life for individuals and development teams.

In this tutorial we focus on the challenges and practices of using Lean and Agile in large development organizations. Large scale software is typically built and maintained by large numbers of geographically distributed developers, uses multiple technologies and tool chains, often building a family of products using one or more platforms.  Large scale software must respond to the business need to commit to delivery functionality and dates months ahead. Throughout the tutorial we call on examples from large global organizations that have made the transition to Lean and Agile Development.  The small group format of the tutorial encourages participants to discuss their specific challenges.

We introduce new practices in Envisioning, Definition, Planning and End Game which compliment the Agile practices used for Development. These practices allow business to gain agility while addressing their needs for on time delivery and governance. We discuss how to integrate best practices Lean Product Engineering while respecting and encouraging the wide adoption of empowering agile practices.

The practices provide proven practical techniques for large scale Agile challenges such as Voice of The Customer: Tangible Requirements and Acceptance Testing; Role of Architecture, Models and Components, Management of Features vs. Components: Planning, Estimating and Resource

Allocation: Dependency Management and Release Management; Scrum of Scrums and Communities of Practice, and Enterprise Development Dashboards and CMM Compliance. We describe the necessary organization structures, roles, artifacts and tooling needed to streamline large scale software construction.

Workshop: "Test-Driven Development Development for C (and embedded systems)"

Time: Thursday 13:00 - 16:00

Location: To be announced


Can You test-drive in C? YES! In this tutorial we will be test-driven several C programs ans discuss common obstacles when doing so.

We'll start with an introduction to CppUTest which is the unit test framework we'll use. After that we'll look at common problems and techniques for test-driving C code. We'll then look at how to deal with legacy code and embedded systems and describe different ways of tackling these problems. Most of the tutorial will consist of actually doing exercises, so make sure you take a computer and a C++ compiler (gcc prefered).

At the end of the tutorial you wil have hands-on experience test-driven code in C and you will know different techniques for tackling legacy code and embedded code.