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Senior IT Architect Davyd Norris, IBM Rational Software

Senior IT Architect Davyd  Norris Davyd Norris has over 20 years of software development experience and is a Senior IT Architect with IBM’s Software Group (Rational). He is based in Melbourne and provides training, consulting and mentoring to corporate clients throughout Asia Pacific. During his time with IBM Rational, he has presented many software engineering and tool training courses, conferences and workshops, and has been extensively involved in a wide range of consulting engagements ranging in size from small 2-3 person teams through to 300+ person teams. Davyd sits on the core teams of several of Rational’s Communities of Practice, is a foundation member of Rational’s Enterprise Architecture Special Interest Group, and was recently elected a member of the IBM A/NZ Technical Experts Council.

Presentation: "See tomorrow's technology today... And all that Jazz!"

Time: Tuesday 10:15 - 11:00

Location: To be announced

Abstract: It's estimated that only one third of all software projects are considered successful - a disconcerting statistic for a world increasingly reliant on software. However, it?s also not necessarily surprising; organisations face a variety of geographic, organisational and technological factors that create significant challenges to working together effectively on software projects. Late last year IBM Rational outlined the future of global software delivery, along with new offerings in support of this strategic vision. The roadmap is based on Jazz, IBM?s next-generation development platform. Jazz will transform how people work together to build software, increasing team productivity and overall organisational effectiveness. Find out how this revolutionary new technology platform will change the game for software development going forward, and, more importantly, how your organisation can take advantage of it.