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Senior JavaScript Architect Douglas Crockford, Yahoo!

Senior JavaScript Architect Douglas  Crockford Douglas Crockford is a senior JavaScript Architect at Yahoo! He is well known for his work in introducing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). He has also worked on the computerization of media at Atari, Lucasfilm, and Paramount. He became something of a cult figure on videogame oriented listservs in the early 1990s after he posted his memoir "The Expurgation of Maniac Mansion" to a videogaming bulletin board; the memoir documented his efforts to censor the computer game Maniac Mansion to Nintendo's satisfaction so that they could release it as a cartridge, and Crockford's mounting frustrations as Nintendo's demands became more obscure and confusing. Crockford is the author of "JavaScript: The Good Parts".

Go to his blog here

Presentation: "Writing Large Applications in JavaScript"

Time: Tuesday 10:15 - 11:00

Location: To be announced

Abstract: It is possible to write large, complex programs in JavaScript, the much maligned programming language of the browser. The language has some surprising features that allow projects to scale, but they are prototypal and functional, which can be intimidating to people whose experiences are limited to the procedural and classical.

Workshop: "JavaScript: The Good Parts"

Time: Wednesday 09:00 - 12:00

Location: To be announced

This Tutorial will be an in-depth exploration of the JavaScript language and practical advice on using it effectively. The language contains many good parts and many bad parts. You will know the difference.

A survey of the language and its history. Object oriented programming in classical, prototypal, and functional styles. Performance. Security. Style. The Theory of the DOM.