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Enterprise Architect Josh Graham, Thoughtworks

Enterprise Architect Josh  Graham has over 19 years experience in the software industry and is the Chief Dispenser of Pleasantries at ThoughtWorks. Originally from the Sydney office, he's now based in Chicago and serves ThoughtWorks clients as a modern Enterprise Architect. Josh has spoken at and chaired conferences on SOA, enterprise architecture, agile software delivery, and technology innovation. You may have met Josh already at a bar.

Presentation: "Architecture"

Time: Tuesday 14:00 - 14:45

Location: To be announced

Abstract: Today, many organisations are planning or implementing strategic architectures and are being faced with coping with change, particularly dramatic economy-driven shifts in business strategy. Applying the principles of Agile software development to enterprise architecture and higher level views is becoming imperative to maintaining an effective IT operation and delivering the most business value, now and in the future. In this session, we will explore how projects at Financial Services, Insurance, Telecommunications, and Manufacturing firms struck a successful balance of strategic formulation and adaptive, emergent design.