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Michael Neale, Redhat

 Michael  Neale Michael Neale is an open source developer working for Red Hat Middleware, often on the Drools rule engine project. His interests are multiple languages on the Java Virtual Machine, and logic programming. He lives and works in the Blue Mountains, just outside of Sydney.

Presentation: "Another interpretation of agile: a few bits of jboss tech to help you cope with changes (rules and rails)"

Time: Tuesday 13:00 - 13:45

Location: To be announced

Abstract: Organisations are often wanting their project teams to be "agile" - what this often means is they want more done, with less, and they want to change their mind often. The traditional view of Java and JEE based middleware as overly complex stacks doesn't help this mission. This talk covers some tech that may help with this mission impossible: running Ruby On Rails on jboss easily, and also Drools, the rule engine- all on the JVM, and also the benefits and possibilities of highly productive programming languages on the JVM.