GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Adam Hoffman, Microsoft Developer Advisor

Adam Hoffman

Biography: Adam Hoffman

Adam is an technical evangelist working for Microsoft. By day, you can likely find him somewhere in the Midwest, driving to somewhere, ready to figure out how the cloud can save your family from certain doom, and make you rich and successful in the process. Before he started evangelizing, Adam was a Senior Developer Lead for Microsoft in Redmond, working on Office 365, BPOS, and Office Live. He misses Redmond, and the excitement of the mother ship, but the lack of decent pizza in Redmond was too much for him, and he had to return. Prior that that he developed software and ran teams for Thomson Reuters, Method Engine (which he co-founded), VSA Partners, Navigant Consulting, Andersen Consulting, and a couple of CASE tool companies way back in the day. His favorite possession is a clone of the original Altair computer, running BillG's 8K BASIC, which he's still intending to hook up to the cloud, someday, somehow. You can read his Windows Azure Blog at, and tweeter-er him at

Workshop: Windows Store App Development End to End: 0 to 60 in 6 hours: FREE Workshop

Time: Thursday 09:00 - 16:00 / Location: Training 6

This is a FREE Workshop: Register here to save a seat

Speakers: Dave Bost (@davebost), Adam Hoffman (@stratospher_es), Clark Sell (@cell5), Greg Levenhagen (@GregLevenhagen)


Business Insider states, "The Windows Store will be present on hundreds of millions of machines eventually, making it a new marketplace that will eventually be one of the world's largest." Tech Crunch sends a call to all developers stating, "The Windows Store is likely to be the last opportunity of its kind for quite some time."

The Windows 8 development platform opens up an exciting opportunity for developers of all ilk. From the managed code developer to the slinger of C++ and now the HTML/JavaScript Junkie, Windows 8 gives developers the tools and components to create rich, immersive, modern applications.

This hands-on workshop will focus on the fundamentals of building modern Windows 8 applications with HTML and JavaScript. In this workshop, we will cover topics including:

·       Async programming patterns

·       Patterns for composing a Windows 8 App

·       Managing App Lifecycle

·       Page Navigation

·       Integrating your App with the OS

·       Working with Tiles

·       Performance tips

·       Testing and Deploying your App to the Windows Store

You will leave this workshop armed and ready to take advantage of the opportunities starting to explode with the Windows 8 Store. As The Next Web asserts, "We may see a gold rush of sorts as the Windows Store grows up overnight." It's time to stake your claim now!

Bring your own hardware, we'll have the software need, Mac or PC, it's all good.