GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Artur Laksberg, Development Lead on on the Parallel Patterns Library and the Casablanca Project at Microsoft

Artur Laksberg

Biography: Artur Laksberg

Artur Laksberg leads a group of developers working on the Parallel Patterns Library and the Casablanca Project at Microsoft. In the past, he has worked on the C++ compiler front end and was involved in the implementation of the Axum programming language.

Presentation: C++ In The Era Of The Cloud

Time: Tuesday 11:00 - 11:50 / Location: Walton North

C++ is your language of choice if your goal is to wring out the last ounce of performance out of your app. While raw performance - including multicore performance - has traditionally been one of the strengths of the language, it is often seen as long in the tooth when it comes to connecting to cloud. In particular, consuming and authoring REST services in C++ is still pretty hard. Often hard enough to want to switch to another "productivity" language such as Java or C#. And yet the problem lies not in the language itself - C++ 11 is a thoroughly modern and productive language - but in the lack of modern mainstream libraries that remove the headache from accessing the Web in C++.

In this talk, we'll take a look at the Casablanca library - a new library for consuming REST services in C++. Casablanca exposes its asynchronous APIs through a composable model based on tasks. It's the elegance and productivity of JavaScript with the performance and control that you'd expect from C++. It's built by a team in Microsoft, but the library is open source and cross platform - so fire up your Linux box, fork a repo, tweak it to your heart's content, and contribute back to the community.

Presentation: Java vs. C/C++ Panel

Time: Wednesday 12:10 - 13:00 / Location: French

This is a question that almost everyone doing a major project asks: should I use C++, or Erlang, or Java, or C#? Maybe it is more abstract than that, such as, should I use native code, like C++, or a managed runtime, like Java? Mostly, this is a matter of taste. Or is it? When it comes to ultimate performance, most applications are native, C++/C, with even having some hand crafted assembler mixed in. But can Java, or any managed runtime in general, do nearly as good? Or maybe it could do better than native code. What could applications do to leverage the most out of these languages? With C++11, has the game changed? With Java 7 or 8, has the game changed? Or has the game really changed with the acceptance of Erlang? These and more, fellow developers, will be questions asked on this panel. It is native code vs. managed runtime in the game of performance!
Panel: Gil Tene, Martin Thompson, Tom Rodgers, Artur Laksberg
Moderator: Todd Montgomery