GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Reid Carlberg, TweetPrincipal Developer Evangelist at

Biography: Reid Carlberg
Reid Carlberg is a Principal Developer Evangelist at where he helps developers succeed on the Salesforce Platform. For the last several years, he has led the Salesforce Labs program that helps internal developers release apps on the AppExchange, and for the last year he has helped launch a system that lets independent developers sell their platform apps to leading enterprises worldwide. A 20 year veteran of the software industry, Reid has written apps for a wide variety of industries on many different platforms. When he’s not on a computer, he enjoys running, building with Lego and pondering the many mysteries of oatmeal.
Twitter: @ReidCarlberg
Presentation: TweetGiant Clouds, Tiny Computers & Billions of Things: Meets Raspberry Pi
Wednesday 12:10 - 13:00
Walton North
Cloud computing is now the default architecture for almost every app. However, in the same breath, there are lots of tiny new computers appearing in the world and they're driving the Internet of Things.
Join this session to learn how to connect the Salesforce Platform, the Raspberry Pi and the real world. We'll cover existing use cases, emerging patterns and talk about some crazy ideas.
Join this session to learn how to connect the Salesforce Platform, the Raspberry Pi and the real world. We'll cover existing use cases, emerging patterns and talk about some crazy ideas.