GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Michael T. Nygard, Author of "Release It!"

Michael T. Nygard

Biography: Michael T. Nygard

Michael Nygard strives to raise the bar and ease the pain for developers across the country. He shares his passion and energy for improvement with everyone he meets, sometimes even with their permission. Living with systems in production taught Michael about the importance of operations and writing production-ready software. Highly-available, highly-scalable commerce systems are his forte.

Michael has written and co-authored several books, including "97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know" and the best seller "Release It!", a book about building software that survives the real world.

Book: Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software (Pragmatic Programmers)

Presentation: Five Years of DevOps: Where are we Now?

Time: Tuesday 16:20 - 17:10 / Location: French

It has been five years since Patrick Debois coined the term DevOps to describe a way of working together to deliver systems. In that time, we have rediscovered some gems from the past and we have invented new techniques and tools. In this session, we will take a look at what's new in the world of DevOps, what's old-but-good, and where we still need to advance.

Workshop: Systems Thinking and Complexity

Time: Friday 09:00 - 16:00 / Location: Training Room 1

In this full-day workshop, you will learn how to analyze and influence any system. (There's no such thing as "control"!) We will take a sociotechnical view of systems that draws on lean thinking, cybernetics, complex adaptive systems, and human factors. Using these perspectives, we will look at how systems work, how you can optimize them, and the many ways they can fail.

During this workshop, you will be asked to stretch your thinking into one or more new paradigms to understand how the same dynamics can sometimes create inertia and other times create radically nonlinear change.