GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Wilfried Schobeiri, TweetSVP of Technology, MediaMath

Biography: Wilfried Schobeiri
Wilfried Schobeiri is the Senior Vice-President of Technology at MediaMath, leading development of MediaMath's digital marketing platform, which powers the operations of thousands of marketers. A lifetime technologist and entrepreneur, Wil launched his first tech startup in high school out of his parent’s basement. Prior to joining MediaMath, he led development at a number of startups, including Tap.Me, a gaming ad platform that was acquired by MediaMath in December 2012. He is obsessed with building great teams, great engineering cultures, and great technology.
Twitter: @nphase
Presentation: TweetHow Go is making us faster
In a web-performance world, things have to go fast. In less than the blink
of an eye, our digital marketing systems host real-time auctions and serve
ads across the world to the tune of 2.3 million queries per second. And we
are building the next generation of these real-time, high performance
systems on Go. In this talk, we’ll dive deep into how MediaMath is using
Go to handle hundreds of thousands of requests per second on minimal
footprint. We’ll cover why we chose Go for our next-generation systems,
how we are maximizing Go’s performance, and why we think Go is a
game-changer for building services. We’ll take a look at some of the
things we’ve encountered with Go’s channel performance, how to minimize
the effects of garbage collection, the effect of GOMAXPROCs, and more.