Keith Braithwaite, TweetOn a mission to rehabilitate the phrase "software engineering"

Biography: Keith Braithwaite
Keith Braithwaite is a Principle Consultant with Zuhlke Engineering, and leads their Center for Agile Practice in London. He provides Agile training, consultancy and mentoring to development teams in the wholesale finance and mobile telecoms industries.
Previously he was Head of Technology Solutions for the ASIA-PAC region of WDS Global, and co-authored the first published descriptions of successful distributed Agile based on his experience there. He is a frequent speaker at Agile conferences around the world.
Software passion: Making the right tradeoffs, at the right time, for the right reasons, and changing them as required.
Presentation: Tweet"Distinguishing Designs from Domains"
Has the DDD community embarked on an epic journey of wheel re-invention? The preface to Domain Driven Design claims that "surprisingly little has been written about [domain modelling and] how to do it" That isn't really true, so what are the DDD folks missing?
This session will explore why domain modelling became unfashionable and examine its long history and rich collection of techniques. Along the way we will discover some wheels ready-made for us to use.