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Alois Reitbauer, TweetTechnology Strategist.
Biography: Alois Reitbauer
Alois Reitbauer works as Technology Strategist for dynaTrace software, a Division of Compuware and heads the dynaTrace Center of Excellence. As a major contributor to dynaTrace Labs technology he influences the company's future technological direction. Besideshis engineering work he supports Fortune 500 companies in implementing successful performance management. In a former life Alois worked for a number of high tech companies as an architect and developer of innovative enterprise software. At Segue software (now Borland – a Microfocus Company) he was part of the engineering teams of the company’s active and passive monitoring products. He is a regular speaker at conferences like TheServerSide Java Symposium Europe, QCon, Jazoon, DeVoxx or JAX. He was the author of the Performance Series of the German Java magazine as well as author of other online and print publication and contributor to several book. At blog.dynatrace.com he regularly publishes on performance and architecture topics to a regular audience of 100,000 visitors.Presentation: TweetHow to Measure Performance from the User's Perspective
Historically we used server response times to measure end user performance. We then started to measure using synthetic transactions to get more reliable performance data. At some point, however, we realized that this wasn’t really the full truth either. The logical next step was to measure directly in the user's browser. While this initially meant using a lot of hacks and workarounds, the adoption of new W3C standards provides a solid basis for getting high quality performance data more or less for free.
Now with all these technologies available the question persists: how to best monitor end user performance? We asked ourselves exactly this question and came up with a solid monitoring approach which tells us how fast we are, why we are slow, what the impact of Third Party contents is and whether new deployments are causing client side problems.