GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Alex Kempkens, TweetAgile Coach & Team Manager at HolidayCheck

Biography: Alex Kempkens
Alex is working as Agile Coach and Team Manager for HolidayCheck an international travel and e-commerce company today. In the past he worked as principle manager, consultant, trainer or coach for various small and multinational corporations with a strong focus on modern technology, agile methodologies and software development organizations. His own management and strategic consulting company Think Network was founded in 1990 and serves its clients until today.
As was founding member of Joomla and Open Source Matters, one of the leading open source projects and NGO's world wide, he gained a lot of knowledge how to motivate people without the typical drivers. This experience formed his strong believe in the agile values and the power of crowed based knowledge and projects. The multilingual extension JoomFish he invented back in 2005 is still one of the important extensions in the Joomla market.
Today his focus is on the organizational aspects of managing an agile corporation within the environment of a shareholder driven company group. Learning, building, scaling and managing large scale agile organizations is his profession since over 10 years. Understanding the agile principles from the perspective of a developer as well as manager is the bridge his is building on a day to day basis.
Twitter: @akempkens
Presentation: TweetUsing the philosophy of Tai-Chi to deal with the agile pendular within HolidayCheck
Introducing agile principles and methods within a team requires the knowledge of the methodology and processes. To grow the agile understanding within a company requires the knowledge about leaders, politics and the various influencing elements of the daily business. This talk will cover how HolidayCheck is dealing with the formal requirements of a public listed company and improving its agile skills and knowledge at the same time. The continuesly ongoing flow of changes, e.g. the more or less control from management, organizational changes and training of individuals, requires the smooth and calm actions and re-actions like a Tai-Chi figther is using it.
We will also speak about reasons why scaling Scrum isn't that easy as the existing frameworks might make you believe and what happens if you need to change your management to understand that the performance review of an individual is not done by you as a manager.
At the end of the talk you will know about the various steps HolidayCheck did so far and what we are going to do next. I will give you some ideas what you can influence and what to watch at during the process. Last but not least you will learn how I'm using trainings such as the Management 3.0 or other individual coaching to educate the whole organization step by step.