GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Dr. Alexander Grêt, TweetCEO HaslerRail

Biography: Dr. Alexander Grêt
Dr. Alexander Grêt is CEO of HaslerRail AG, a Switzerland based Technology Company that exports safety products and services into the global Railway industry.
He has worked in various R&D organisations as a Developer, Project Manager and Team Leader. His experience spans industries from Oil Exploration, Robotics, Banking and Technology Consultants.
Presentation: TweetA team is Agile and no one knows, is there still a clash of cultures?
Agile methods are still a big hype. Some of it good and necessary, some becomes more a religion than a tool for a purpose. Don’t get me wrong – I am a fan. I think there are very few projects in today’s world that don’t require some form of agility in their process. I also believe, however, that all the discussions about how and when to introduce such methods into an organization are unnecessary and boring. Everyone in an R&D environment has an obligation towards it’s employer to work in an efficient, creative and high quality fashion. So if that means agile – do it with agility – no excuses about old stubborn board members please! I will try to share some of my experience working with Agile teams from both my R&D and Management background. I will try to convince you that every organization can be Agile if change comes from the bottom up – but almost every organization will fail if it expects that the change should come from top down.