GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Chris Nodder, TweetInterface Tamer

Biography: Chris Nodder
Chris Nodder is an established usability expert with 18 years industry experience in designing and evaluating systems that are efficient, effective and satisfying for their intended audience. He is the founder of Chris Nodder Consulting LLC, offering user centered design, strategy consultation, evaluation and training services to large organizations and venture backed businesses.
Previously, Chris was a Director with Nielsen Norman Group for five years. He conducted original research, created training sessions and workshops, presented at over thirty NN/g conferences and worked with companies across Europe and the Americas. His research has included, among other topics, how user experience fits into Agile projects.
Before joining NN/g, Chris worked as a senior user researcher at Microsoft Corp for seven years. Among his many products, he was responsible for the user experience for XP Service Pack 2, a major upgrade to Windows XP (documented in the book "Security and Usability”).
Chris is also active in the Balanced Teams movement where they are creating a repository of resources for successful multidisciplinary product development teams.
Twitter: @uxgrump
Evil by Design:
Balanced Teams:
Report on UX in agile projects:
Presentation: TweetFast, easy usability tricks for big product improvements
Usability is fashionable now, but how do you get some for your product? Learn the lightweight techniques that are used by Lean Startups, Agile teams and many time-crunched organizations.
• Interpret what they tell you without bias. Get to the root of their problems
• Share your observations in a way that the whole team can understand
• Tools to move from observation to design – design charrettes, paper prototypes
• Tools to move from design to code – data driven development
Keywords: Usability techniques, User Centered Design, HCI, Interaction Design, user observation, experience map, design charrette, paper prototyping, user testing, data-driven development.
Target audience: Any product team member with an interest in making their users happy. Equally applicable to developers and product managers. No prior usability experience assumed.
Workshop: A user user manual (how to build software that works the way your users think) Tweet
Learn how to build software that works the way users’ brains work. Based on psychological principles and the results of hundreds of hours of user testing, this class shows you why users behave the way they do, and what you can do to make sure your software supports their mental processes.
People are strange. The way they interact with our software is often unbelievable to us. Why can't they just click the damn button? In reality, much of users’ “random” behavior is actually very predictable when we understand how people think. Once you are familiar with these thought processes, you can build software that appeals better to your users.
What you’ll learn:
• How to structure your software so that it works the way people think
• The reason why some design elements “just work”, and how to apply them consciously to your product
• How to write better UI text, dialogs and error messages
• How to get and retain users’ attention
• The ingredients that make people love the software they use
Course outline:
• Cognitive concepts – how our brains work
• Perception concepts – how we see the world
• Physical concepts - Emulating the real world on a computer screen
• Workflow concepts – rules for designing better applications
• Communicating through the UI
• Designing delightful software interfaces