GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Bernd Schiffer, TweetCoach and trainer at the leading company for Agile SW Dev. in Germany

Biography: Bernd Schiffer
Bernd Schiffer is a coach, trainer and consultant for Agile Software Development. He is specialised in Agile pilots. As a change agent he accompany enterprises that introduce Scrum or Kanban.Bernd tells about him self: My support goes from the very first steps to whole enterprise transitions, considering both development and management. In addition I love to work with teams and to help them to learn continuous. I deeply care about my work.
As a Senior Consultant I work for it-agile, the leading company for Agile Software Development in Germany. This company is owned by its 30+ employees, based in Hamburg, and it’s a pleasure for me to work with these great guys since 2005.
I write articles and blog posts about Agile Software Development and other things I find energizing. Before my time in the Agile Software Development world, I studied computer science at the University of Bremen (diploma qualification, i.e. master qualification equivalent), where I deepened my understanding of cognitive science, artificial intelligence, economic science and media.
I like social networking, and you can find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+.
Workshop: Scrum Developer Tweet
The Certified Scrum Developer program is all about making sure that developers have the necessary skills to support rapid-feedback cycle product development.
This tutorial is a condensed version of our three-day Agile Developer Skills course. Participants can expect a focus on hard skills (test-driven development, refactoring and SOLID principles), essential attitudes (clean code, simplicity), and complementary practices (coding katas, dojos, pair programming).