GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Jesper Mosegaard, TweetAlexandra

Biography: Jesper Mosegaard
Jesper Mosegaard is head of the Computer Graphics Lab at the Alexandra Institute in Denmark. The Lab is doing research, software development and consultancy within many topics related to computer graphics; interactive visualization, augmented reality, photorealistic rendering, physics based animation, geometry processing and general purpose computation on the GPU. Jesper received his PhD from the University of Aarhus in 2006 for a dissertation on real-time simulation of surgical procedures on congenital heart defects, exploiting the computational power of the (then) modern graphics cards.
Presentation: TweetMassive acceleration through the many-core processor that you call a graphics card
There is a hidden beast of raw computing power in the midst of your pc; the graphics card. For obvious reasons, the graphics card used to be all about real-time graphics – but is today a potential source of massive hardware acceleration of many different algorithms. In this talk Jesper Mosegaard will shortly give a historical review of the programmable graphics processing units, give details of production code for a number of clients, and give a best-guess at the future of hardware accelerated computing. The take away for the audience will be a general idea of whether using the graphics processing units is something to do now – and when it will become inevitable in the future of the (heterogeneous) processing unit.